
Metamask: Persist the Web3 Provider in Redux to use it across different parts of the application

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I can help you with an article on how to persist the web3 provider in redux.

Title: Persisting the Web3 Provider in Redux: A Guide


Web3 providers are essential for interacting with decentralized applications (Dapps) and services. In this article, We’ll also discuss how to use web3auth for Google Login and other common use cases.

Why Store The Web3 Provider in Redux?

Storing a web3 provider in redux allows you to share between components without exposing sensitive information. This is also used when working with dapps that require multiple services, such as web3 authentication and storage.

Step 1: Initialize the Web3Provider in Your Application

First, you need to initialize the web3 provider in your application. You can do this by creating a web3 instance and passing it to theprovider component.


Import Web3 from ‘Web3’;

Const Web3 = New Web3 (window.ethereum);


Step 2: Store The Web3 Provider in Redux

To store the web3 provider in redux, you can use the redux-store package. You’ll need to install it first by Running:


NPM Install Redux-Store


Then, create a new file called Store.js and Add the Following Code:


Import {createstore, compose} from ‘redux’;

import web3provider from ‘./Web3Provider’;

Const Store = Createstore (

combinereducers ({WEB3: Web3Provider}),

Compose ([window .__ redux_devtools_extension_commonse], window .__ redux_devtools_extension__))


Export Default Store;


In this code:

  • We

  • We’re passing the web3 provider instance as the web3 key in the combined reducer.

Step 3: Use the Web3 Provider Across Different Parts of Your Application

Now, you can use the Web3 provider across different parts of your application. For example:


import react, {usestate} from ‘react’;

Import REACTDOM from ‘React-Dom’;

Import {provider} from ‘./web3provider’;

Const app = () => {

Const [State, SetState] = Usestate ({WEB3: Null});

useffect (() => {

Const provider = new web3 (window.ethereum);

.Setstate ((prevstate) => ({… Prevstate, Web3: Provider}));

}, []);

Return (

{/ Your Application Content Goes Here /}



Reactdom.ender (, document.getelementbyid (‘root’));


In this code:

  • We’re using the usestate hook to store the web3 provider instance in the redux state.


Using Web3auth for Google Login

When using web3auth, you’ll need to handle authentication flow and obtain an access token. Web3Provider Instance:


import web3aut from ‘web3auth’;

Const Login = Async () => {

Const provider = new web3 (window.ethereum);

try {

Const account = Await provider.getaccount ();

// Use the Access Token to Interact With Dapps

} Catch (Error) {

Console.Error (Error);





Storing a web3 provider in redux allows you to persist it across different parts of your application. By following these steps, you can use the web3provider instance as needed throughout your application. Remember to Handle Authentication Flow and obtain an access token when using web3auth for Google Login.

Hope this article has been helpful!